Videos for Cats to Watch

Bring some excitement into your pet’s life with these videos for cats including the all-time favourite mice, birds and squirrels. Don’t be surprised if your cat can’t help but press the subscribe button.

No doubt your kitty is delighted to have found a safe and comfortable haven in your home. There is plenty of food, warmth and, fortunately, not a lot of danger lurking around the corner of the living room. But the bliss of a sheltered lifestyle has a downside for your cat – there is just not as much exciting stuff to meow about.

Luckily you can recreate the thrill of the outdoors without leaving the couch with a few well-picked videos for cats. All you need is a device connected to the internet and a screen protector to keep it scratch-free in case your cat gets too excited.

From mice, squirrels and birds just minding their business in the big outdoors to silly interactive games, we’ve put together a cat filmography that will keep whiskers glued to the screen for hours.

Previous Next woman on phone in bed with cat next to her

But before we delve into the fun world of bird videos for cats and other feline entertainment, you may be wondering what cats make of the digital world before their eyes.

Do cats like watching videos?

Some videos are particularly designed for cats to watch and enjoy. The aim of these videos for cats is to recreate a slice of the natural world to entertain but also to provide the much needed visual stimulation that keeps their instincts sharp. The favourite cast includes mice, fish or birds.

We know cats are intrigued by the action unfolding on our screens ever since cat owners started catching their pets staring at the telly. Meanwhile science has caught up and explained away some of the mystery of why cats like watching videos and what do they actually see. It turns out cat vision is limited to only a few colours, predominantly shades of green and blue. The colours they perceive is nowhere near the rich intensity humans can register.

What’s even more interesting is that cats process images at a faster rate than humans. This means that what we see as a continuous moving image is a flickering mess for them. But that’s precisely where the entertainment comes from. It’s not the details that matter to your cat’s viewing preferences, it’s the movement that captures their attention. And these videos for cats have plenty going on to get your cat’s interest.


Mouse videos for cats

A feline’s old nemesis, the mouse, is a clear favourite subject for videos based on the impressive amount of cat views the videos below have accumulated. You can go from four-minute videos for shorter attention spans to hour-long mice extravaganzas for curious cats.

Mouse action

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This video features possibly the cutest mouse ever nibbling on a few nuts. With an impromptu appearance by a curious and equally hungry bird, this is definitely Oscar-worthy material in the feline world.

The best mouse solo performance

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This fascinating video will have you and your cat equally mesmerised. It’s a 10-minute foray into the life of a mouse. Follow this little fellow as they go about the day, basking in the sun and looking for food.

Mice and birds sharing the screen

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With a running time that gets closer to a feature film than a video for cats, this is bound to get your pet’s instincts all fired up. The hour-and-a-half video includes stunning close-ups of mice munching on their dinner and birds flying in and out of the

Bird videos for cats

Birds can be quite the entertainers for cats. All that flying around will get even the most blasé kitten hyped up. Plus, what feline can resist the constant chirping and wing fluttering in these videos?

The best ensemble bird cast: robins, blackbirds, tits and goldfinches

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You know this is five-star feline entertainment when your cat can’t stop looking around for the bird that just flew out of sight. Pawing at the screen is a common cat reaction to this bird treasure trove, so watch out for the sake of your digital devices.

Birds and squirrel fun bonanza

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Nine hours’ worth of birds and squirrels means that you can now both binge-watch your favourite shows. This is definitely a must-watch bird video for your cat, especially if you plan to leave them home alone.

Squirrel videos for cats

If you already think squirrels are one of the most adorable species to have ever graced the earth, the cuteness in these videos will be almost unbearable. You’ve been warned.

Squirrel delight

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This video is nowhere near long enough, but it’s a captivating dive into squirrel world. Your cat will be looking for that subscribe button.

Squirrel peek a boo

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An hour-long video titled “Cats Go Bonkers for this Squirrel Playing Peek a Boo”. No need to say more.

Squirrels and birds at the forest phone box

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There are squirrels, birds and a tiny phone box. The mystery deepens.

Cat games videos

Cats can also get some paws-on action with videos. These cat games involve mice catching, string chasing and following dots on the screen - all part of the feline favourite pastimes. Don’t forget the screen protector!

Popular cat games

Catch mouse

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Your feline won't be able to resist trying to catch this speedy mouse!

Strings game

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If your cat's obsessed with string, they'll have tonnes of fun trying to swat along to this video.

Catching fish

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No cat can resist trying to catch a tasty fish or two.

The green laser

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Or perhaps your kitty is more of a laser fan? If so, they'll be delighted by this cat video.

Next, discover what other cat games you can play together to make sure your pet is getting enough exercise for their general wellbeing.

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